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Our Christian Values and Ethos


Our Vision:

John 10-10, Jesus promised "I came that you may have life and have it to the full."

Every child at Fladbury will know they are loved by God, have a happy heart and be part of a flourishing well-led school.  When they leave Fladbury, they will be well-prepared to meet challenges, confident in their abilities and look forward to their bright futures with an open mind.

Fladbury School is a Church of England (Voluntary Aided) First School and has strong links with both the local parish church of St John the Baptist and with the Diocese of Worcester.  The school seeks to encourage an understanding of the true meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all of its pupils, whilst respecting those of other faiths and cultures.

The children take part in a daily act of collective worship with a Christian emphasis.  We aim to develop a feeling of belonging where values are appreciated and shared.  Pupils are provided with opportunities to worship and respond to God; to reflect on Christian values; to reflect on their own beliefs, ideas and thoughts and to develop a strong community spirit.  They are encouraged to consider moral, spiritual and social issues within the context of the Christian faith.

The school plays a key part in all the Christian festivals and pupils attend church to join in the worship in a variety of ways through hymn singing, reading, drama and staging performances.


Our School Prayer written by the children and Mrs Mather

This is our School
Let peace dwell here
Let our School be full of happiness
Let love abide here
Love of one another
Love of man kind
Love of life itself
And love of God
Let us remember that as many hands build a house
So many hearts make a school

Please view our Statutory Inspection for Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) report, where we were rated Judgement 1 in January 2024 - Fladbury Church of England Voluntary Aided First School is living up to its foundation as a Church School..

We also enjoy welcoming a team of volunteers through an initiative called 'Open the Book' which offers children the chance to hear the major stories of the Bible in an interactive and enjoyable way during worship times. 


Fladbury Values
We have created our own set of Christian values - Hope, Wisdom & Joy - in which we try hard to live our lives by.  These were generated by questioning staff, children, parents and governors.  We spend half a term on each value, reflecting on them during worship time, curriculum time; in fact throughout our whole day in school. 


British Values
The Department for Education state there is a need "to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs."  At Fladbury First School we are committed to these values and regularly reinforce them in the following ways:

Democracy is embedded at the school. Pupils are always listened to by adults and are taught to listen carefully and with concern to each other, respecting the right of every individual to have their opinions and voices heard. Pupils also have the opportunity to air their opinions and ideas through our School Council and regular questionnaires. The elections of the School Council members are based solely on pupil votes, reflecting our British electoral system and demonstrating democracy in action.

The Rule of Law
The importance of laws whether they are those that govern the class, the school or the country, are consistently reinforced. Our school has rules, which are embedded in our work every day. Each class also discusses and sets its own rules that are clearly understood by all and seen to be necessary to ensure that every class member is able to learn in a safe and ordered environment. Our pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws. They understand that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws or rules are broken. Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service help reinforce this message.

Individual Liberty
Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for our pupils to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and an empowering education. Our pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely; examples of this can be clearly seen in our e-safety and P.S.H.C.E. lessons. Whether it is through choice of challenge; of how they record; of participation in our numerous extracurricular activities; our pupils are given the freedom to make choices.

Mutual respect
Respect is one of the core values of our school. The pupils know and understand that it is expected and imperative that respect is shown to everyone, whatever differences we may have. The core value of Respect at Fladbury First School underpins our work every day both in and out of the classroom. Our school is committed to developing respect for other cultures.

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Our core value of Respect ensures tolerance of those who have different faiths and beliefs. Fladbury First School enhances pupils’ understanding of different faiths and beliefs through religious education, P.S.H.E. work and visits to other places of worship to deepen understanding of different celebrations and beliefs.


The children and staff have worked hard on creating our own definition of Spirituality:

Spirituality is about understanding that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.  It's the connections and relationships we have with God, with others, with ourselves and with nature.  It brings about a sense of awe and wonder and van lead to asking big questions about who we are and our place in God's world.



  • The school has a supportive Christian ethos where pupils can be individuals, develop respect for others and be respected themselves.
  • Christian values underpin all aspects of the school’s work.
  • We offer pupils the opportunity to develop a sense of purpose based on agreed Christian Values.
  • Pupils are encouraged to be reflective during collective worship and in R.E and PSHE lessons.
  • The school follows the Worcestershire Agreed syllabus for R.E and this is supported by other curriculum areas.
  • Celebration assembly enables pupils to share and celebrate their and other pupil’s, successes and achievements.
  • Celebrating talents allows pupils to develop a sense of self.
  • Pupils take part in prayer and are helped to reflect on how biblical messages are relevant to their lives today.
  • Pupils visit special places e.g. St John the Baptist Church Fladbury and Worcester Cathedral.
  • We have a rich and varied curriculum and seek to develop creative and imaginative responses to art and music. Pupils are encouraged to explore and develop that which animates them.
  • During the school day there is time for peace, happiness, tranquillity.


  • A clear moral code provides the basis for behaviour and this is promoted consistently through all aspects of school life.
  • Policies and curriculum planning provide opportunities for children to explore questions of right and wrong and explore moral codes.
  • Pupils and staff discuss the outcomes and consequences of actions.
  • Pupils regularly raise funds for related charities and understand what is happening in other parts of the world.
  • Pupils feel comfortable to express their views and show good sportsmanship
  • The school environment, through display etc., reinforces the values of the school community.
  • School rules, rewards and sanctions are clearly defined and understood.
  • Staff and older children act as role models during everyday life.
  • We teach the difference between right and wrong and adults consistently model, through the quality of relationships in school, fairness, integrity, justice, respect and conflict resolution.
  • Class rules are drawn up by the children and teacher at the beginning of the year.
  • Code of conducts are used for internet safety and bullying and shared with parents.
  • The lunchtime buddy scheme this is used to support younger children in school.


  • We foster a sense of community and our pupils are tolerant and respectful of difference.
  • We promote equality.
  • We take opportunities to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Among others, we support, Children in Need, the Pershore Foodbank and Christian Aid.
  • New pupils adjust well to the school and are firmly accepted by their classmates.
  • We develop our pupils’ leadership skills and give them opportunities to exercise responsibility: for example through the School Council, Playground Leaders and CREW Committee.
  • Buddy schemes - children in Year 4 are buddies to children in Pre School in order to help them at lunchtimes and playtimes.
  • Playground leaders - several children are trained in playground leadership - they promote fair play and introduce games to the children at break times.
  • School Council - meet half termly with the Assistant Head to look at ways to improve our school.
  • A range of afterschool clubs are offered. Residential trips are offered in Y3/4 to promote positive corporate experiences.
  • Pupils join with other pupils from local schools to participate in sports contests and collaborate in teams to compete against other clusters of schools.


  • Termly International Days allow pupils the opportunity to explore their own cultural assumptions and values
  • We recognise and nurture pupils’ particular gifts and talents. All are encouraged to be the best that they can be.
  • We provide opportunities for pupils to participate in literature, drama, music, art, crafts and other cultural events and encourage pupils to reflect on their significance.
  • We develop partnerships with outside agencies and individuals to extend pupils’ cultural awareness, for example, theatre, museum and resident artists.
  • We reinforce the school’s cultural values through displays, posters, exhibitions etc.