Wraparound Care/Clubs
Wraparound Care Mrs Leaver Mrs Petri
Breakfast Club, run by Mrs Petri, operates each day from 7.45am-8.45am. After-School Club, run by Mrs Leaver and Mrs Petri, operates Mon-Thurs from 3.30pm-5.30pm and Friday 3.30-4.30pm. Please note wraparound does not include TED days or bank holidays. Bookings All wraparound sessions are to be booked in advance through ParentPay and all bookings are subject to availability. Please see Mrs Edwards in the school office if you require login details. Bookings for Wraparound must be paid for at the time of booking and a minimum of 48 hours in advance of the sessions required. Last minute bookings can be made if places are available, by calling the school office on 01386 860301 (not email or Dojo) where Mrs Leaver will be able to add a booking on your behalf. Parents must agree to make a payment for such additions, including the late booking fee of £2.00 at the time of the verbal booking. Cancellations
Payments and Overdue Balances
Late Collection Fees In the event that a child has not been collected by 5.45pm, and we have not been able to contact parents and carers on any emergency contact numbers, it is school policy to contact Children’s Social Care and the local police. A late collection fee of £4.00 for every 15-minute period after 5.30pm will be charged to parents.
Clubs Clubs vary from term to term depending on the level of interest but include activities such as: