School Governors
Message from our Chair of Governors - Mrs Elaine Mather I welcome you to this website as Chair of Governors of Fladbury CE First School. We are a small, friendly, Christian village school with close links to Church and community. As Governors of Fladbury School, we take pride in the achievements of the children, which are brought about through the care and devotion of our teaching and support staff. Teamwork is crucial to the success of a small school, and we are delighted with the way our management team, teachers and support staff work together to provide a warm, friendly environment in which all children can develop and realise their full potential. In this we are supported by the parents, individually and through the parent teacher association (PTA). Parents give the school an enormous amount of their time, either helping out in the classrooms, or fundraising at the many and varied social events. I encourage you to come and support us at the many events which take place throughout the year and hope to have the opportunity of speaking with you at that time. Should you wish to contact me, please do so via our Clerk, Mrs Sue Headley c/o [email protected]
Chair of Governors Vice Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor: Mrs Elaine Mather Foundation Governor: Mrs Margaret Richardson
Ex-Officio Governor: Miss Julie Wilson Staff Governor: Mrs Claire Leaver
Parent Governor: Mrs Amy McGann Parent Governor: Mr Craig Marshall
Foundation Governor: Mr Nigel Maddocks Foundation Governor: Mrs Pam Stubbs
Foundation Governor: Vacancy Foundation Governor: Mrs Sue Johnston
Local Authority Governor: Mrs Kelly Pass Ex-Officio Governor: Rev. Sarah Dangerfield
Clerk to the Governors: Mrs Sue Headley
The Governing Body is supported in its work by the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Sue Headley, who may be contacted via [email protected] or through the school office on 01386 860301