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The school bus or taxi serves children living in Wyre Piddle, Upper Moor and Lower Moor.

This transport is provided by the County for statutory aged children who live within the catchment area of the school but beyond walking distance from the school.

N.B. Walking distance is 2 miles for under eight years.  Walking distance is 3 miles for over eight years

For full details please visit the following website:

Pupils living less than the statutory distance may use spare seats on payment to the authority's "Vacant Seats Payment Scheme".

Children who travel by bus or taxi are brought to school in the morning and alight at the school gate. The children walk directly into school where they become the school's responsibility. At the end of the day, the children are supervised by a member of staff and are put safely on to the bus or taxi, which waits at the lay-by near to school. The children are then the responsibility of the driver until they are met by their parents at the dropping off points. Seat belts are available and should be worn by children throughout their journey. Staff always ensure all seat belts are worn before the bus or taxileaves school.